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Get to Know Enduvo from the Team

What we do: Enduvo is a no-code, immersive content authoring and delivery platform. The software helps users create engaging augmented reality and virtual reality experiences for real-world training and 3D modeling purposes.

One thing that would surprise people about Enduvo: Just how much we care about each other despite working remotely from different parts of the country. “We support each other and each other’s families,” CEO, Steve Garrou said. “I’m constantly surprised by how people remember birthdays, kids’ activities, special family events, etc.”

One trait our team shares: Drive. “We’re all on the same quest: to improve people’s lives by connecting learners with experts,” Garrou said. “We believe that problems are best solved by integrating new ideas into what’s already working.” According to Garrou, leadership is looking to hire candidates who bring fresh perspectives and want to empower others through knowledge. Learn more here.